Site-spesific performance, Youngstorget / Oslo
Still images from videodocumentation. Photo: Frøydis Fossli Moe
There has been a lot of debate regarding memorials in the aftermath of the terror attack, 22nd of July 2011.Time does not heal all wounds, and the political and societal tendencies of our time - still triggers the feeling of being afraid. With this performance, i wished to challenge what a memorial can be, as well as reminding of what we promised each other; openness, tolerance, unity and love.Og i forlengelse av det spørre: hva er egentlig et godt sted for refleksjon og bearbeidelse? Hva er for invaderende? Og hvordan bør et minnesmerke egentlig se utI Temporary Memorials ønsket jeg å skape en kollektiv og temporær situasjon som skulle gi rom til et oppmerksomt blikk; til utholdenhet og ansvar.

t e m p o r a r y m e m o r i a l s
time does not heal all wounds
time does not heal all wounds
time does not heal all wounds
time does not heal all wounds
time does not heal all wounds
time does not heal all wounds
eight years and three months and six day
22nd july 2011
the political and societal tendencies of our time continues to trigger the feeling ofinsecurity
temporary memorials
memory wound
what is too invasive?
what should memorials look like? what is a good space for reflection?
what is a good space for processing?
collective memory
collective trauma
personal trauma
sorg er kjærlighet som har blitt hjemløs
grief is love that has become homeless
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
temporary memorials
youngstorget, oslo, 2019