Mari Eriksen (b. 1995)
Studio: Startblokka, Østre Aker vei 90, 0596 Oslo, Norway
Telefon: +47 46424354

The complex meeting of space, time and the things that surround us.The works address socio-political issues in an imaginary and non-literal way. I attempt to “frame” situations or conditions in and between people, and intend to contribute to a collective and individual experience of wonder and reflection; to confront reality with something fundamentally human

I want to form, shape, tell and convey with a set of materials, with an insisting attitude towards something being at stake. Fear, despair, hope and play is investigated whilst I search, gather, plunder, connect and present
There is a rather subjective hierarchy connected to the materials I

use, or stores and collects in my studio. A small piece of plastic, a  pipe, a grassstraw or a tired iron tool; everything (and everyone) is included as vital in my life as it is now, and can contribute to realizing ideas of what reality is. I stick to an impresise and imporivsed approach. The works with sculptural objects, location and possibly soundscape is an independent and relatively introvert process - but when the work then is established, I consciousky changes focus towards the collectiveness that might arise when the audience meets in and around the work

. In which way can one move around the space - together or alone - what does one experience individually and what do we experience



2019-21: MA fine art, Kunstakademiet, oslo national academy of art, no
2015-18: BA fine art, Cambridge school of art, uk

2026:    (upcoming)Vestfold Kunstsenter, Tønsberg
2025:    (upcoming)22 juli senteret, Oslo  
2024:    Kongsberg Jazzfestival (upcoming) - Kunstprosjekter ulike lokasjoner på                     festivalområdet      
2023:    Kongsberg Kunstforening- Jeg vil hoppe paradis

2022:    Buskerudmuseet - Portåsen. Floker / Mjøndalen
2022:    Kongsberg Jazzfestival - Kunstprosjekter ulike lokasjoner på festivalområdet
2021:    Galleri Seilduken - Respite room / Oslo
2020:    Galleri Seilduken - Breath Im seeking you / Oslo
2020:    Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus - Defence Bunker for the unpredictable / Oslo

2022:    Loftet, Kunstnernes Hus - Hide and seek / Each one is good in his own house and garden -               m/Kier Cooke Sandvik - FKDs Artists Duo Show / Oslo
2019:    Resepsjonsgalleriet, Khio - Landing - m/ Jinbin Chen / Oslo
2019:    Studio Baustelle - Fragments of a turbulent landscape - m/ jazzkomponist Leon Røsten / Berlin

2024:    HULMUR gallery Mjelva - stortinget t-bane stasjon /Oslo
2023:    SKOG artspace - Vinterutstillingen / Oslo
2023:    NITJA senter for samtidskunst - Kunstloungen / Lillestrøm
2022:    BO (Billedkunstnerne i Oslo) -  Mistakes were made - curated by Mathilde Carbel / Oslo
2022:    Drammen Museum - Novemberutstillingen. Lychepaviljongen / Drammen

2022:    Prosjektrom Helium - Multippel 22 / Fredrikstad
2021:    Drammen museum - Novemberutstillingen. Lychepaviljongen. Juried by Kari Anne                                    Helleberg Bahri, Per Hess, Yola Tsolis, Håvard S. Johansen og Susanne Kathlen Mader
                 / Drammen
2021:    Buskerud Kunstsenter - Stipendutstillingen / Drammen
2021:    Kunstnernes Hus - The Great Indoors, master degree show/residency.  Curated by Pedro                             Gomez  Egana / Oslo
2020:    Galleri Seilduken - Solastalgic. Curated by Lesia Vasylchenco / Oslo
2019:    P0, Khio - There and after, Oslo  
2019:    Kunsthall Oslo - christmas exhibition
2019:    Total Museum - Image, between history and human, five interpretations / Seoul, Sør Korea
2019:    Galleri Seilduken - Show off / Oslo
2019:    Here and now - various locations / Oslo
2019:    Galleri Golsa - Got it for cheap / Oslo
2018:    Uferhallen - Ufer Open / Berlin
2018:    Ruskin Gallery - The sustanability art prize / Cambridge
2018:    Cambridge School of Art - Introspectrum / Cambridge
2018:    Gallery 9 - In situ / Cambridge
2017:    The David Attenborough Building -  Geomancy / Cambridge
2016:    Ruskin Gallery - Prolusion / Cambridge

2024-25:    UKS - vara - nominationcomitee.
2024(-):    KÖSK - works for sale through the gallery.
2024(-):    Buskerud Kunstsenter - works for sale in their gallery shop
2024:       Oslo Open - Startblokka, Linderud
2023:       NITJA senter for samtidskunst - works exhibited in Kunstloungen at NITJA/ Lillestrøm
2022/23:    Kunstnernes Hus - T-shirt project  - ten pieces for sale at Kunstnernes Hus / Oslo
2022: - works for salt in connection to christmas calender. Exhibited in                                     their space in Vika terasse, Oslo
2022:       Oslo Open - FKDS studiofellowship at Kunstnernes Hus
2019:       Akademirommet - co running the exhibition space in the back of Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
2019:       Curator - w/ Solveig Ylva Dagsdottir. The sun sets at 17.45 at Akademirommet, Kunstnernes                         Hus.

2025:       (upcoming) 22 jui senteret: art prosjekt mediated to school children
2024:        NBK Accosiation of norwegian visual artist - Vert under Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus
2024:        Munchmuseet:art-workshop for children at a two-day festival (mini-munch)
2022-24:     Kongsberg Jazz festival - residency position for newly  graduated artist - development of              various sitespesific  art projects.
2023 (-)     Kunstnernes Hus - Resepsjonsvakt/vert
2023         NBK Accosiation of norwegian visual artist - Vert under Høstutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus
2019:        Artist assistant - two months  assistant for artist Sandra Vaka Olsen, Berlin



2024:    Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond (NBK) Project support / Norway 

2022:    Viken Fylkeskommune - Utviklingsstipend kultur / Norge

2022:    Kulturrådet  - Prosjektstøtte  - m/FKDS atelierfelleskap / Norge 

2021:    Kulturrådet - Diversestipend for nyutdannede kunstnere / Norge
2021:    FKDS  fondet for kunst og designstudenter ((Fund for Art and Design                                                       Students))Ateliéstipend, Kunstnernes Hus / Norge 


uks norwegian young artist society / nbk accosiation of norwegian visual artists / Bo billedkunstnere oslo  / bbk buskerud bildende kunstnere